HSBC Navigator is the most comprehensive insight into what businesses like yours are thinking now, what is next and how HSBC can help you navigate the global business environment.

We have compiled data from over 8,500 businesses in 34 markets into one global report and reports from every surveyed market. Each report gives you an understanding of what businesses like yours are thinking now, next and how you can continue to grow and be future fit.

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  • 78% of global firms are positive about the international trading environment, rising to 86% in ASEAN markets and 82% in the EU

  • Four out of five (81%) companies are confident that they will succeed in the current international trading environment

  • Political headwinds are gaining strength as 63% of firms think governments are becoming more protective of their home economies

Key findings from the Global report

Businesses remain positive about their trade outlook, but clouds are gathering on the horizon

The 2018 HSBC Navigator survey shows businesses are upbeat about their prospects, encouraged by customer demand and favourable economic conditions, but are revising their strategies as protectionism dents the outlook for international trade.

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How your business can respond

  • Companies need to map their supply chain models to understand their direct and indirect exposure to a potential escalation of the global trade dispute.
  • Firms should take advantage of potential trade diversion opportunities as Chinese and US firms look for new markets or cheaper suppliers.
  • Look at how you can hedge changes in currency value to respond to fluctuations
  • Develop a trade strategy that can be adapted as developments unfold. Where necessary, seek professional advice about changes to countries’ policies on tariffs and duties.

Hear from Noel Quinn

CEO, HSBC Commercial Banking

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Business is positive but signalling that protectionism is a significant concern that's reducing their appetite to grow through international trade. Some are looking closer to home for opportunities, and many are adapting their approach to stay fit for the future.

NOEL P QUINN, CEO, HSBC Commercial Banking

HSBC’s Navigator surveyed 8,650 business decision-makers in 34 markets. Research by Kantar TNS for HSBC August / September 2018