Centre of Sustainable Finance

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HSBC is fully supporting the shift to a net zero economy. This complex and evolving landscape requires unprecedented collaboration with industries and government bodies to channel capital in a way that drives transition. HSBC is collaborating with experts from industry, academic and government institutions to better understand the best way to drive emissions outcome-based decisions. HSBC’s Centre of Sustainable Finance aims to collate and share the thinking and outputs of these collaborative projects, in order to scale and replicate the transition across geographies and sectors.

Transitioning to a net zero economy means rewiring the financial system to look at aligning investment to emissions pathways. To move faster on doing this, the financial sector must share ideas and collaborate with industry experts to understand what works in practice and what makes sense from a climate solutions perspective. This work is fundamental to helping HSBC navigate the transition landscape.

Zoë Knight | Group Head, HSBC Centre of Sustainable Finance

Blended Finance in the Middle East & North Africa

Blended finance in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) is nascent, with the historical deals databases recording 83 blended transactions to date that have targeted MENA in part or in full, representing aggregate committed financing of $14.2 billion.

Working towards clean energy supplies in the UAE

In this podcast, we explore the UAE’s energy transition journey. We look at TAQA, the UAE’s biggest utility company, which has ambitions to reduce energy emissions whilst also increasing the share of renewable energy they deploy globally.

Collaborating for a net zero future

Energy Transitions Commission

The Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) is a global coalition of leaders from across the energy landscape working together to accelerate the transition to a zero-emissions future. HSBC is a founding member of the ETC supporting collaboration between finance and other sectors towards accelerating the energy transition.

Breakthrough Energy Catalyst

HSBC is proud to partner with Breakthrough Energy Catalyst, a ground-breaking programme that leverages private-public capital to accelerate the development of clean technologies that will help achieve net-zero emissions by 2050. HSBC has invested USD100m to accelerate green technologies designed to support decarbonisation of high-carbon sectors in four critical areas – direct air capture, clean hydrogen, long-duration energy storage, and sustainable aviation fuel.


HSBC joined the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) in 2021, along with 42 banks from 23 countries, to unlock the banking sector's potential to accelerate the global transition to net zero. We're a founder member of the industry-led, UN-convened Net Zero Banking Alliance – part of GFANZ. We also co-chaired the GFANZ workstream that set out strategies for financial transition plans.

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Transition Pathways

Designed for companies in carbon-intensive industries, HSBC's Transition Pathways connects insight, expertise and solutions on delivering a lower-carbon future.

Our climate strategy

We're focused on helping to deliver a net zero global economy, and it's a pillar of our strategy as a business.

HSBC Global Research

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